Man-hrs to date without a Lost Time Accident.
Thru Q1 YTD - 2025
Concrete Frame Associates is committed to providing the safest working environment in the industry. At CFA, safety is not just a motto or a slogan; SAFETY is a CORE VALUE. Our programs set industry standards while keeping job-sites safe and cost-efficient.
Our project site crews promote safety with vigilant attention to hazard identification and correction. In addition to regular safety inspections conducted by site personnel, unannounced safety audits by management and safety personnel are frequently performed.
CFA’s strong and effective safety program is rooted in our ongoing commitment to having every one of our employees return home at the end of each work period without a job-related injury or impairment. Safety is a constant consideration in every phase of our business and requires complete employee involvement.
Here are just a few examples of CFA’s commitment
to safety:
Our employee orientation program, available in both English and Spanish, includes pre-placement drug screening, fall protection training, and both classroom time and an instructional video customized to the employee’s job description.
Pre-task Safe Work Plans and “stretch and bend” warm-up exercises led by supervisors to prepare employees for work each day.
Our supervisors’ weekly toolbox meetings with their crews include project-specific safety topics.
An employee safety incentive program that, every month, awards a gift card to one member of each crew who has gone above the call of duty to work safely and protect their co-workers.